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We need to keep these in our thoughts and Prayers daily;


Our Armed Forces, Our Country and our Country's Leaders,

Our Shut-ins and Loved ones:


Thelma Waldroop, Jewel Roper, Nelle Green, Harry & Dorothy Morrow, Loren Green, 

Keith Holland, Ernie Holt,Tim Clark, Kristen McCarthy, Frances Hurd,

Chuck and Grace Hill, Ray & Don Kirkland, Larry Ford, Michaella Hedden,

Gary Holland, Rita Byrd, Marge Hoot, John Galant, Judy Hurd.


Nelle Green's cell phone number is 828-347-5308


Pray for our new Government Officials.

We NEED God in The White House again!


If you have a Prayer request that needs to be put on "One Call"

call Pastor David at 828-369-3201

or Email him at


If we remove any name that needs to remain on the list, Please let us know, we don't

want to offend anyone, nor do we want anyone to think we are not concerned.

God Bless each and everyone.

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